Техно блог - Відгуки та огляди покупця
Reviews, articles, business directory

Techno blog - Reviews and customer reviews

Techno blog - review of smartphones, electronics, equipment, customer reviews. The user's personal opinion about the purchased devices and equipment in general.

About smartphones

Як працює безпровідна зарядка

How wireless charging works

How wireless charging works? Modern technology makes our lives easier, and wireless charging is one such example. It allows you

Як подивитися кількість контактів в телефоні

How to see the number of contacts on your phone

How to see the number of contacts on your phone: Android and iPhone How to see, check the number of

Як зробити фото з відео

How to make a photo from a video

How to make a photo from a video? There are different methods you can use to get a photo from

Як увімкнути роумінг

How to enable roaming

How to enable roaming on an iPhone How to enable roaming? Roaming is a service that allows you to use

Як увімкнути швидку зарядку

How to enable fast charging

How to enable fast charging. Fast charging allows you to charge your device much faster than the normal charging mode.

About computers

Що краще

Which is better: 32 GB of 3200 MHz memory or 16 GB of 3600+?

Which is better: 32GB of 3200MHz RAM or 16GB of 3600+MHz? Which is better: When choosing RAM for your computer,

Що таке Біос комп'ютера? Яке призначення BIOS?

What is a computer bios? What is the purpose of BIOS?

What is the BIOS of a computer? Computer bios: the main aspects and role in the life of a PC

Як зробити фото з відео

How to make a photo from a video

How to make a photo from a video? There are different methods you can use to get a photo from

Комп'ютер включається, але не запускається

The computer turns on, but does not start

Computer turns on but won’t start: Finding a solution to the most common problems All computer or laptop owners from

Як увімкнути тачпад на ноутбуці

How to enable the touchpad on a laptop

How to turn on the touchpad on a laptop? A touchpad on a laptop is a touch panel that functions

Brand stories

Бренд Toshiba

Toshiba brand – key dates in Toshiba’s history

The Toshiba brand is a Japanese company engaged in the development and production of electronic equipment and computer equipment The

Історія компанії Philips

History of the Philips company

History of the Philips company. Philips is a global company specializing in the production of electronic devices, household appliances, medical

Історія компанії Panasonic

History of Panasonic

History of Panasonic. Panasonic is one of the largest Japanese electronic brands. Which occupies a leading position in the world

Бренд Samsung

The Samsung brand is history

The Samsung brand is a Korean conglomerate that was founded in 1938 by Lee Bi Chul. Initially, the company was

Історія бренду LG

History of the LG brand

History of the LG brand – LG (abbreviation – “Life’s Good”) is a South Korean conglomerate that manufactures electronics, mobile

About technologies

Що таке PWA

What is a PWA?

What is a PWA (Progressive Web App)? What is a PWA – A PWA (Progressive Web App) is a progressive

Як працює безпровідна зарядка

How wireless charging works

How wireless charging works? Modern technology makes our lives easier, and wireless charging is one such example. It allows you

Вебдизайн: що це таке та який він буває

Web design: what it is and what it is like

Web design: what is it, and what types of it are there? It is difficult to imagine the modern world

Як перевірити швидкість інтернету

How to check your internet speed: a simple guide

In this article, we will look at how to check your internet speed. Internet speed is one of the key

Як створити дизайн сайту

How to create a website design

How to create a website design: a step-by-step guide How to create a website design? Website design is a complex

About cameras

Які формати графічних файлів ви знаєте

What graphic file formats do you know?

Various graphics file formats: overview and comparison What graphic file formats do you know? Graphics files are one of the

Екшн камери

Action camera – some key dates in the history

Action camera are special waterproof cameras that are designed to capture action in extreme conditions. They are used for shooting

Електронні стабілізатори камер

Electronic camera stabilizers versus physical ones

Electronic camera stabilizers are an integral part of the modern photo and video industry. They allow you to shoot videos

Чи потрібно оновлювати програмне забезпечення?

Do I need to update the software?

Benefits and risks of software updates Do I need to update the software of smartphone, camera or any electronic digital

Коли з'явився перший фотоапарат?

When did the first camera appear?

When did the first camera appear? The first camera capable of taking photographs was invented in 1826 by the French

My reviews

Акумулятор на 12 вольт

12 volt battery. Small and necessary?

About a12-volt battery, what it can do and what it is needed for at home First, a 12-volt battery for

iPhone 11 Pro Max

iPhone 11 Pro Max in 2025?

iPhone 11 Pro Max in 2025? I have been using mid-range Android smartphones for a long time. And almost everything

Motorola G60

Motorola G60 – a smartphone that suits “completely”

Motorola G60 is my third Motorola smartphone and the first Android smartphone that suits me completely. The only thing is,

Клавіатура з підсвіткою - Ergo KB 630 USB

Backlit keyboard – Ergo KB 630 USB

Backlit keyboard for the Ergo KB 630 USB computer. This is a budget gaming keyboard with lighting and a small


Headphone RZTK HPB 200 Light

Wired headphones RZTK HPB 200 Light LED blue backlight, good connection cable and basically good sound. Very well-made. The quality

Testimonials and reviews can be very helpful for those looking for information about a particular product or service. Reviews can help determine whether a particular product is worth investing time and money in, or whether it meets your needs.

However, it is worth remembering that some reviews may be biased and aimed at selling a certain product. Therefore, it is important to look at reviews on different sites and form your own opinion, taking into account different sources of information.

In general, testimonials and reviews are an important tool for those looking for information about a desired product. They can help you make a more informed choice and decide which console is right for your needs.

Interesting techno blog

If you are looking for an interesting techno blog, then you have come to the right place! Our blog is dedicated to the latest news and trends in the technology industry, and also covers many interesting topics related to gadgets, software, website development and much more.

In our blog you will find a lot of useful information that will help you understand the world of technology and find answers to your questions. We talk about new technologies, trends in the development of software and gadgets, and also share useful tips on their use.

Our authors are experts in their field and have deep knowledge in the field of technology. They write interesting and understandable articles about techniques and programs that will help you improve your knowledge.

So, if you are looking for a tech blog that has high quality content and useful materials, then our blog is exactly the place where you can find interesting informative articles and chat with experts in the field. Join our community of tech enthusiasts today!

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